Monday, January 16, 2012

Marche' HLM African Fabric Market Dakar

HLM African Fabric Market
Marche' HLM African Fabric Market Dakar

On Dakar’s streets, you will see people in handsome-tailored ensembles cut from colorful fabrics. But almost none of the city’s ready-to-wear shops sell traditional clothing. To get and outfit first you must head to the Marche' HLM Dakar's African fabric market.

Marche' HLM, " HLM is pronounced " ash-el-em and stands for Habitations a Loyer Modere, Meaning  affordable Rent Housing." Opened in 1976, this African fabric market has become one of the largest  African markets in West Africa. In recent years, it has becames a favorite destination for Senegales . They can find cloth at the best possible prices.

Marche HLM ," smaller market than Sandaga African 

HLM African Fabric Market

Market,"is  geared primarily towards  African fabric vendors, Marche HLM is slightly less crazy than Sandaga. You will find an endless selection of African fabric that you can buy and then get custom tailored into traditional or modern outfit of you choice. Senegalese fabric vendors usually won't sell less than 3 to 6 meters of fabric. A reasonable price is 1000CFA/meter.
HLM African Fabric Market

You have your choice from hundreds of rolls of wax-dyed bazin (dyed fabrics beaten to a shine with wooden clubs), vibrant prints, embroidered cloth, lace and silk. You can get matching shoes, bags and jewellery at the same place.

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